Taller, More Efficient Wind Turbines Approved For Grant County
KEEP READINGThe Public Service Commission (PSC) of West Virginia has approved significant modifications to the Mount Storm Wind Farm project in the East
The Public Service Commission of West Virginia on Thursday approved modifications to an Eastern Panhandle wind farm project
Moorefield, W.Va. — On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Clearway Energy Group presented Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College with
West Virginia energy stakeholders discussed diversifying the state’s energy sources, moving away from coal to include more renewable and inn
The Career Carnival provided attendees with a unique blend of interactive and educational learning activities centered around career and maj
PETERSBURG, W.Va. (WV News) — Clearway Energy, one of the nation’s largest renewable energy companies, is betting big on the future of wind
Coal jobs have been declining for generations. Now in the town of Keyser, West Virginia, there's a different energy source on the horizon.
A new bill has been approved by the Senate Energy Committee in Charleston, West Virginia. It aims to raise taxes on windmills. The current d
The Senate Energy Committee passed a bill on Tuesday that would raise the tax on windmills — with the understanding
The US Wind Force Foundation Inc. has announced the grant recipients for the Community Benefit Fund sponsored by Pinnacle Wind
The KidWind Project, an international leader in clean energy education, has joined forces with Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (Toyota)
Appalachian regional clean hydrogen hub submits a multi-state application for the Department of Energy’s hydrogen hub
On February 15, Curtis Hakala, dean of academic services (pictured below), spoke about wind energy at the West Virginia state capitol
Elk Garden, W.Va. - Clearway Energy Group ('Clearway') announced that the Black Rock Community Benefit Fund is now accepting
Clearway funded the Community Benefit Fund to distribute an additional $51,000 in local grants
The firm that operates 2 wind farms in Mineral and Grant counties has begun operation of its 3rd.
BLACK ROCK – Mineral County’s newest wind farm is now in operation and has begun setting up a charitable foundation to give back to the area
Toyota Motor North America (Toyota) and AEP Energy Partners, a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Electric Power, are now using power from
A wind farm spanning several West Virginia counties that will allow the state to generate more renewable energy is now operating.
Also on Friday, Gov. Justice took time to echo Clearway Energy Group’s announcement today
A wind farm spanning several West Virginia counties that will allow the state to generate more renewable energy is now operating.
A wind farm spanning several West Virginia counties that will allow the state to generate more renewable energy is now operating.
A wind farm spanning several West Virginia counties that will allow the state to generate more renewable energy is now operating.
BLACK ROCK – Mineral County’s newest wind farm is now in operation and has begun setting up a charitable foundation to give back to the area
Elk Garden, W.Va. – Clearway Energy Group (“Clearway”) today announced that the Black Rock Community Benefit Fund
SAN FRANCISCO — Clearway Energy Group (“Clearway”) announced today that it reached commercial operations on Black Rock.
West Virginia has been a significant exporter of electricity for many years. At our peak generation output, the state produced three times
Clearway has invested nearly $460M in West Virginia in 2021, creating hundreds of jobs and economic acceleration, while delivering...
KEYSER – Clearway Energy Group has hired five recent graduates of the Wind Energy Technology program at Eastern West Virginia Community...
Clearway Energy Group (“Clearway”) is pleased to announce the hiring of five recent graduates of the Wind Energy Technology program at...
Taps graduates of Eastern WV Community & Technical College’s Wind Energy Technology Program for five tech positions at Black Rock & Pinn...
KEYSER — The US Wind Force Foundation has announced 11 recipients in the 11th round of grants from its Community Benefit Fund associated...
FORT ASHBY — “You can only survive so long without good leadership. We have a room full of leaders here tonight,” said Mineral County...
ELK GARDEN — With an application in the works for the US Wind Force Foundation Inc. Pinnacle Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund grant, Elk...
KEYSER, W.Va. — US Wind Force Foundation is accepting applications from qualified nonprofits for grant funding from the Pinnacle Wind Farm..
KEYSER, W.Va. — US Wind Force Foundation Inc. is accepting applications from qualified nonprofits for grant funding from the Pinnacle Wind..
PRINCETON, N.J. (WV News) — Clearway Energy Inc. (NYSE: CWEN, CWEN.A) on Tuesday announced it completed the acquisition of Mount Storm, a...
KEYSER, W.Va. — Upgrades to the Pinnacle wind farm are underway and expected to be completed later this year, according to Clearway Energ...
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Clearway Energy Group (“Clearway”) has closed financing and begun repowering construction on Pinnacle, a 55 MW wind...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Construction of the Black Rock wind farm, which will straddle the Mineral and Grant county line, is underway, Gov...
KEYSER — Clearway Energy has begun construction on the Black Rock Wind Farm to be located approximately five miles south of the existing...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, along with state and local officials and representatives from Clearway Energy...
CHARLESTON, WV — Gov. Jim Justice and Clearway Energy Group announced today that construction has commenced on the Black Rock Wind...
KEYSER — The US Wind Force Foundation Inc. has announced the recipients of the tenth round of grants from its Community Benefit Fund...
KEYSER, W.Va. — The US Wind Force Foundation, Inc. has announced the recipients of the 10th round of grants from its Community Benefit...
KEYSER — Clearway Energy, owner of the Pinnacle Wind Farm in Keyser, recently donated 8,000 masks to Mineral County Emergency Management...
KEYSER — US Wind Force Foundation Inc. has announced that it is accepting applications from qualified nonprofits for grant funding from...
KEYSER, W.Va. — US Wind Force Foundation Inc. announced Monday that it is accepting applications from qualified nonprofits for grant...
Pinnacle Wind Farm, a Clearway Energy company, recently presented the Tri-Towns Food Pantry with a $5,000 gift certificate to purchase...
SAN FRANCISCO — Clearway Energy Group announced Thursday that it has signed power purchase agreements with AEP Energy and Toyota for...
CHARLESTON — Clearway Energy Group announced Thursday that it signed power purchase agreements with AEP Energy and Toyota for Clearway’s...
KEYSER, W.Va — The US Wind Force Foundation has awarded $22,250 in grants from its Community Benefit Found to 18 local projects...
KEYSER, W.Va. — US Wind Force Foundation Inc. is accepting applications from qualified nonprofits for grant funding from the Pinnacle Win...
KEYSER, W.Va. — State and local officials detailed plans Thursday for a wind energy power plant that will straddle the Mineral and Grant...
The Public Service Commission of West Virginia on Thursday approved modifications to an Eastern Panhandle wind farm project to reduce 132